Paula Otero-Hermida completed her Phd in Political Science at the University of Santiago de Compostela in 2016. Now she is postdoctoral researcher at INGENIO CSIC-UPV, where has participated in responsible research and innovation (RRI) and gender equality projects (SUPER_MoRRI, INPERRI, ADSIDEO), using participatory multicriteria methods. She is member of the working group in innovation in the Spanish Observatory of Women and Science (Ministry of Science and Innovation).
She had teached in the Master’s Degree in Corporate Social Responsibility at the Politechnic University of València (2010-2019), in its editions in Spain, Colombia, Uruguay, Dominican Republic in the areas of Diversity and Stakeholder Management. She had teached also public values and equality in the National Institute of Administration Master Degree (2020) and in the UPV Master in Industrial Engineering, collaborating in responsible innovation contents.
Previously, she has been area director at the Valencian Community Committee of the Spanish Red Cross (2010-2016), where she managed corporate social responsibility (CSR) and employment programmes. She has participated in research projects at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Science Policy Department) (2002-2009) and at the ÉTNOR Foundation (2008-2010). She had developed advisory activities with public, non-profit organizations and firms in Latin America and Spain.
Her research is focused in responsibility and equality policies in science and innovation. Interested in a territorial multi-level perspective and participatory decision making research techniques.