Niels Mejlgaard

Professor at the Department of Political Science and Associate Dean at the Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University. His work focuses on research policy and governance, with particular interest in issues related to responsibility and integrity in research practices. He did his PhD at Aalborg University on the notion of scientific citizenship. From 2011-18, he was the director of the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy. He has led or participated in several European and national research projects (including MASIS, STEPE, ResAGorA, MoRRI, HEIRRI, ENERI, and NewHoRRIzon) and is currently coordinating the SOPs4RI project. He presently serves on the editorial board of Public Understanding of Science and his work has appeared in leading field journals, including Science and Public Policy, Science and Engineering Ethics, Science as Culture, Research Evaluation, Environmental Communication, Public Understanding of Science, Journal of Informetrics, and Journal of Science Communication.

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