What the ecosystem will become is still open and flexible – will you help to co-construct it?
The RRI environment and a need for developing a community
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) has permeated research departments globally. It is reflected in policy documents, funding schemes, and a list of projects which seems to always be expanding.
The many actors who are working in this environment have generated a wealth of information and tacit knowledge. They all would benefit from a platform for sharing and communication. In recognition of the benefits and opportunities that this space would provide, the Scientific Understanding and Provision of an Enhanced and Robust Monitoring System for RRI (SUPER MoRRI) project is actively co-creating an ecosystem with these goals in mind.
A space for fruitful discussions
The SUPER MoRRI Science with and for Society (SWAFS) ecosystem currently hosts virtual meetings every two months to discuss topics related to responsible research and innovation (RRI) and SwafS. This meeting space has been running since October 2019 and has generated lively discussion. The virtual meetings are open to any interested parties and the topics that have been discussed are wide-ranging and often generated by the participants of the meetings.
In addition to the virtual meetings held every month, the SUPER MoRRI project intends to develop a data and information hub with participating projects that have been funded through SwafS funding calls 05, 14, 15, 17, and 20. As we continue to develop this throughout the length of the project, we hope to elicit and incorporate the needs and desires of stakeholders who would benefit from this ecosystem in order to ensure that it is as useful as possible for the SwafS and RRI community. We hope that the virtual meetings taking place every two months help to create first, a vibrant community of individuals working within SwafS and RRI projects where expertise can be exchanged, and second, a useful space for the exchange of data and information that is relevant and presented in a user-friendly way.