Regional webinars: Americas Session

Online, 2021

Regional webinars: Americas Session

The consideration of responsible practices in research and innovation must be a fundamental aspect of evaluation processes in this day and age. With that in mind, the SUPER MoRRI project is organising an international event with the central theme: “Evaluation practices of research, and how responsibility is included.” 

The SUPER MoRRI event will be organised first in local sessions, culminating in a global meeting on April 29th at 14:00 – 16:00 CET.  The Americas session will take place on April 14th at 14:00 – 16:00 CET. The event will consist of a plenary session with three country-based panel statements about responsible research evaluation practices and small breakout sessions, according to the program presented below.

Additional event pages:

Here you can find information on the speakers and participants scheduled to join the event, as well as the Super MoRRI members involved.



Universiteit Leiden / CWTS


Universiteit Leiden / CWTS

Super MoRRI participants

Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Delft University of Technology
Institute for Advanced Studies
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Universiteit Leiden / CWTS
Universiteit Leiden / CWTS
Institute for Advanced Studies
Paula Otero-Hermida
Fraunhofer ISI
Universiteit Leiden / CWTS

This is the list of invited participants who will join this regional webinar.

Ana María Jaramillo QuicenoUniversidad del ValleColombia
Ana Maria VaraUniversidad Nacional de San MartínArgentina
André BrasilCWTS - Leiden UniversityBrazil / Netherlands
Anestis AmanatidisLeiden UniversityGreece / Netherlands
Angela BednarekThe Pew Charitable TrustsUSA
Angela BonillaMinisterio de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion de ColombiaColombia
Carmelo PolinoCentro Redes (Argentina) / Univerisity of Oviedo (Spain)Argentina / Spain
David WinickoffOECDUSA
Emad YaghmaeiTU DelftNetherlands
Erik FisherArizona State UniversityUSA
Gema RevueltaScience, Communication and Society Studies Centre, UPFSpain
Inge van der WeijdenLeiden UniversityNetherlands
Ingeborg MeijerCWTS, Leiden UniversityNetherlands
Joviles TrevisolUniversidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFSBrazil
Laerte FerreiraFederal University of Goias / FOPROPBrazil
Luisa BarbosaStudies Centre on Science, Communication and Society - University Pompeu FabraColombia / Spain
Magdalena WicherInstitute for Advanced StudiesAustria
Marcela LozanoPontificia Universidad JaverianaColombia
Michael BernsteinArizona State UniversityUSA
Odir DellagostinFAPERGS / CONFAPBrazil
Patricia Macías-NestorUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoMexico
Paula Otero-HermidaINGENIO CSIC-UPVSpain
Ralf LindnerFraunhofer ISIGermany
Richard WoolleyINGENIO (CSIC-UPV)Spain
Sandra DazaCentro interactivo MalokaColombia
Sonia MenaLeiden UniversityChile / Netherlands
Wouter van de KlippeCWTSNetherlands

    Event Details
    • Start Date
      April 14, 2021 2:00 pm
    • End Date
      April 14, 2021 4:00 pm
    • Location
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