WP 1 Critical inspection and strategic planning assesses the metrics and indicators developed by the initial MoRRI project (2014-2018) by combining desk research and a stakeholder-inclusive assessment process. An improved set of RRI indicators will be defined, ensuring sustained data collection, technical refinements, and new metrics and indicators. This conceptual and methodological groundwork will provide the basis for WP 2 (Data collection).
WP 2 develops and implements an efficient monitoring system to collect quantitative and qualitative data from different levels across EU member states and selected non-European countries. The data collection procedures is supported by a network of national correspondents (EU 27/28 and non-European). Additional data sources include RRI indicator-relevant H2020 projects, secondary R&I data sources, and data generated in SUPER MoRRI s self-assessment tool (WP 6).
WP 3 develops a web-based, user-friendly and customisable information dashboard in order to make available the RRI monitoring data to stakeholder groups (e.g., policy makers, RPOs, RFOs, CSOs, industry). Key functionalities of the user interface of the dashboard include aggregated comparisons by country, RRI indicator, RRI key dimension and actor type. The dashboard is an integral part of the SUPER MoRRI online platform.
International benchmarking contributes to a better understanding of RRI-like policies and activities beyond Europe. To this end, a network of about 8-10 international satellite partners support SUPER_MoRRI by identifying suitable data sources, providing contextualised knowledge and collect a limited set of R&I data.
WP 5 Scientific, social, economic and democratic benefits aims to develop an empirically based, robust understanding of the scientific, democratic, societal and economic benefits of RRI. To this end, a series of innovative empirical case studies, applying a mixed-methods approach, is conducted that generates primary data to explore the various benefits of RRI in order to support the development of new metrics and indicators of RRI and its benefits.
WP 6 Self-assessment develops a web-based assessment tool that can be of assistance to all types of stakeholder groups interested in reviewing their own RRI policies and practices. Particularly meso-level organisations (RFOs, RPOs, associations and companies) are able to use the self-assessment tool to monitor and measure organization progress (``RRI readiness levels``) and compare performance with peer organisations.
WP 7 Impact and communication enables outreach, community building, stakeholder engagement, knowledge transfer, as well as project capitalization, starting from day 1. Strategic dissemination and follow-up to broadly facilitate SUPER MoRRI results and tools ensures impact from the start.
WP 8 Management and coordination takes care of efficient and effective management of the project, including financial reporting, liaison with the European Commission and fulfilment of all contractual obligations.
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